Friday, September 7, 2018

Extra Credit Staring Activity

Never in my life have I been told to sit across from a total stranger and stare into their eyes for two minutes straight without breaking eye contact.  At first this activity seemed ridiculous, I had no idea what we were expected to get from this.  However when the clock started, and I actually started looking across from me, I started to realize there's a meaning behind this.  This activity was like a modified form of a first impression.  First impressions are usually done through conversation, but in this case, we did it though eye contact.  It's weird having no choice but to stare at someone for two minutes, but as time goes on, I became more comfortable.  I realized we were both in the same situation, so there was no reason to fear what she was thinking about me.  It was a way for us to bond through non verbal communication, because we were both experiencing the same uncomfortable situation at the same time.  I could tell we understood each other in some way even though we never talked about how we were feeling.

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